Aspiring Florida defense lawyer Kevin Lomax accepts a job at a New York law firm. With the stakes getting higher every case, Kevin quickly learns that his boss has something far more evil planned.

GENRES:  Drama • Horror • Mystery • Thriller
DIRECTION:  Taylor Hackford
CAST:  Keanu Reeves  •  Al Pacino  •  Charlize Theron  •  Jeffrey Jones

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Cast & Characters

Keanu Reeves Kevin Lomax
Al Pacino John Milton
Charlize Theron Mary Ann Lomax
Jeffrey Jones Eddie Barzoon
Judith Ivey Alice Lomax
Connie Nielsen Christabella Andreoli
Craig T. Nelson Alexander Cullen
Tamara Tunie Mrs. Jackie Heath
Ruben Santiago-Hudson Leamon Heath
Debra Monk Pam Garrety
Vyto Ruginis Mitch Weaver
Laura Harrington Melissa Black

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