What is Flickseeker?

We believe that a great way to search for and discover movies that you will love is by what other movie-goers feel about it, instead of what genres have been assigned to it by professionals and critics.

With Flickseeker, therefore, we have developed a way for everyone to easily assign tags to movies, describing how they felt about it after watching it. Which means it now becomes easy for everyone to search and discover movies that are exactly what they are looking for: Action-packed, Heist, Though-provoking, or so much more - depending on the mood of the moment.

How do I ...

... discover (or rediscover!) a movie I would love to watch tonight?

Simply click on one of the tags on the Flickseeker home page. This will show you a selection of movies that, for most Flickseeker users who have seen them, "feel" that way.

Once you are on the results page for a tag, you can then click on more tags on the top of the page, to further narrow down your choices to more specific moods. Selected tags are shown highlighted, and you can click on any of the highlighted ones to remove them from your selection. Play around with the selections - it's easy, fun, and leads to unexpected movie discoveries!

... assign a tag to a movie that I've seen?

Once you are on a movie page, just click your choices from the tags shown along the right side of the screen. Your choices will count up on the tags displayed along the top of the page for that movie. Made a mistake? No problem - as you assign tags, you'll notice your selections get highlighted: just click the button again to "unselect" it.

Where does Flickseeker get its data?

Tagging movies is always done by our users.

That's what makes Flickseeker unique and effective. Every movie you tag makes Flickseeker more interesting for everyone! Thank you!

Movie data such as its description, directors, cast and so on is assembled together from a variety of sources, under their respective licenses: iTunes, themoviedb.org, and Wikipedia We acknowledge and thank each one of them for kindly making their data available for publication.