Fire in the Sky (1993)

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A group of men who were clearing brush for the government arrive back in town, claiming that their friend was abducted by aliens. Nobody believes them, and despite a lack of motive and no evidence of foul play, their friends' disappearance is treated as murder.

GENRES:  Drama • Mystery • Science Fiction
DIRECTION:  Rob Lieberman
CAST:  D.B. Sweeney  •  Robert Patrick  •  Craig Sheffer  •  Peter Berg

Cast & Characters

D.B. Sweeney Travis Walton
Robert Patrick Mike Rodgers
Craig Sheffer Allan Dallis
Peter Berg David Whitlock
Henry Thomas Greg Hayes
Bradley Gregg Bobby Cogdill
Noble Willingham Blake Davies
Kathleen Wilhoite Katie Rogers
James Garner Frank Watters
Georgia Emelin Dana Rogers
Scott MacDonald Dan Walton
Wayne Grace Cyrus Gilson

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