The Smiling Lieutenant (1931)

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A simple wink, intended by Austrian palace guard Lt. Nikolaus von Preyn for girlfriend, Franzi, is accidentally intercepted -- and misread -- by the visiting Princess Anna. As a result, the soldier has no choice but to marry the royal lady and move with her to the neighboring kingdom of Flausenthurm. His girlfriend follows to continue the romance and, subversively, give Princess Anna tips on how to keep her husband satisfied.

GENRES:  Comedy • Romance
DIRECTION:  Ernst Lubitsch

Cast & Characters

Maurice Chevalier Lt. Nikolaus 'Niki' von Preyn
Claudette Colbert Franzi
Miriam Hopkins Princess Anna
Charles Ruggles Max (as Charlie Ruggles)
George Barbier King Adolf XV
Hugh O'Connell Niki's Orderly
Cornelius MacSunday Emperor Franz Josef (uncredited)
Maude Allen Lady in Waiting
Granville Bates Bill Collector
Harry C. Bradley Count Von Holden
Carrie Daumery Lady in Waiting
Ludwig Heinsich Man

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