The Nutty Professor (1996)

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Eddie Murphy stars as shy Dr. Sherman Klump, a kind, brilliant, 'calorifically challenged' genetic professor. When beautiful Carla Purty joins the university faculty, Sherman grows desperate to whittle his 400-pound frame down to size and win her heart. So, with one swig of his experimental fat-reducing serum, Sherman becomes 'Buddy Love', a fast-talking, pumped-up , plumped down Don Juan.

GENRES:  Comedy • Fantasy • Romance • Science Fiction
DIRECTION:  Tom Shadyac
CAST:  Eddie Murphy  •  Jada Pinkett Smith  •  James Coburn  •  Larry Miller

Cast & Characters

Eddie Murphy Sherman Klump | Buddy Love
Jada Pinkett Smith Carla Purty
James Coburn Harlan Hartley
Larry Miller Dean Richmond
Dave Chappelle Reggie Warrington
John Ales Jason
Patricia Wilson Dean's Secretary
Jamal Mixon Ernie Klump Jr.
Nichole McAuley Fit Woman
Hamilton von Watts Health Instructor
Chao Li Chi Asian Man
Tony Carlin Host

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