Digimon: The Movie (2000)

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When a powerful new Internet Digimon hatches and begins to consume data at an alarming rate, the Digidestined - kids chosen to save the digital world - must put an end to the destruction before the damage becomes irreversible and worldwide communication halts forever. As computer-based missiles are launched, and a wayward Digimon kidnaps the Digidestined, only the combined efforts of a worldwide network of kids and a new group of "Digidestined" can rescue the others and stop global disaster.

GENRES:  Animation • Family • Fantasy • Science Fiction
DIRECTION:  Mamoru Hosoda  •  Shigeyasu Yamauchi
CAST:  Lara Jill Miller  •  Joshua Seth  •  Bob Papenbrook  •  Doug Erholtz

Cast & Characters

Lara Jill Miller
Joshua Seth Young Tai / Tai (voice)
Bob Papenbrook
Doug Erholtz Takeru "T.K." Takaishi
Steve Blum Computer Voice 1 / Poromon / Flamedramon / Raidramon / Magnamon (voice)
Colleen O'Shaughnessey Sora / Male Student (voice)
Michael Reisz Matt (voice)
Wendee Lee Young T.K. / Little Girl 1 / Party Girl 1 / Little Kokomon (voice)
Brianne Siddall Koromon / Kuramon (voice)
Joseph Pilato MetalGreymon (voice)
Jeff Nimoy Tentamon / Kabuterimon / MegaKabuterimon / Barney / Floyd the Barber / Phone Voice #1 / Truck ...
Bob Buchholz Andy / Male Customer / Phone Voice #2 / Squad Leader / Truck Driver #2 / Uncle Al / Voice Mail ...

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