Alice in Wonderland (1999)

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Alice follows a white rabbit down a rabbit-hole into a whimsical Wonderland, where she meets characters like the delightful Cheshire Cat, the clumsy White Knight, a rude caterpillar, and the hot-tempered Queen of Hearts and can grow ten feet tall or shrink to three inches. But will she ever be able to return home?

GENRES:  Family • Fantasy
DIRECTION:  Nick Willing

Cast & Characters

Tina Majorino Alice
Robbie Coltrane Tweedledum
Ben Kingsley Major Raupe
Miranda Richardson Herzkönigin
Martin Short Verrückter Hutmacher
Christopher Lloyd Weißer Springer
Gene Wilder Herr Suppenschildkröte
Whoopi Goldberg Grinsekatze
Peter Ustinov Walrus
George Wendt Fred Tweedledee
Jason Flemyng Sir Jack, the Knave of Hearts / Cad
Sheila Hancock Cook

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