Mr. Holland's Opus (1995)

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In 1965, passionate musician Glenn Holland takes a day job as a high school music teacher, convinced it's just a small obstacle on the road to his true calling: writing a historic opus. As the decades roll by with the composition unwritten but generations of students inspired through his teaching, Holland must redefine his life's purpose.

GENRES:  Drama • Family • Music
DIRECTION:  Stephen Herek
CAST:  Richard Dreyfuss  •  Glenne Headly  •  Jay Thomas  •  Olympia Dukakis

Cast & Characters

Richard Dreyfuss Glenn Holland
Glenne Headly Iris Holland
Jay Thomas Bill Meister
Olympia Dukakis Principal Helen Jacobi
William H. Macy Vice Principal Gene Wolters
Alicia Witt Gertrude Lang
Nicholas John Renner Cole Holland ( mit 6. Jahren )
Joseph Anderson Cole Holland ( mit 15 Jahren )
Anthony Natale Cole Holland ( mit 28 Jahren )
Jean Louisa Kelly Rowena Morgan
Terrence Howard Louis Russ
Damon Whitaker Bobby Todd

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