The Barbarian and the Geisha (1958)

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Townsend Harris is sent by President Pierce to Japan to serve as the first U.S. Consul-General to that country. Harris discovers enormous hostility to foreigners, as well as the love of a young geisha.

GENRES:  Drama • Romance
DIRECTION:  John Huston
CAST:  John Wayne  •  Eiko Ando  •  Sam Jaffe  •  Sō Yamamura

Cast & Characters

John Wayne Townsend Harris
Eiko Ando Okichi
Sam Jaffe Henry Heusken
Sō Yamamura Governor Tamura
Ryuzo Demura Thug (uncredited)
Takeshi Kumagai (uncredited)
Fuyukichi Maki (uncredited)
Kodayu Ichikawa (uncredited)

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