Infamous (2006)

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While researching his book In Cold Blood, writer Truman Capote develops a close relationship with convicted murderers Dick Hickock and Perry Smith.

GENRES:  Crime • Drama
DIRECTION:  Douglas McGrath
CAST:  Sigourney Weaver  •  Toby Jones  •  Gwyneth Paltrow  •  Sandra Bullock

Cast & Characters

Sigourney Weaver Babe Paley
Toby Jones Truman Capote
Gwyneth Paltrow Kitty Dean
Sandra Bullock Nelle Harper Lee
Isabella Rossellini Marella Agnelli
Peter Bogdanovich Bennett Cerf
Jeff Daniels Alvin Dewey
Daniel Craig Perry Smith
Juliet Stevenson Diana Vreeland
Michael Panes Gore Vidal
Hope Davis Slim Keith
John Benjamin Hickey Jack Dunphy

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