Going All the Way (1997)

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Korean War--era veterans and ex-classmates "Gunner" Casselman and "Sonny" Burns reunite upon their return home. Gunner, who spent the war years abroad, is trying to convince his mother that his gal Marty is good enough for him, while Sonny, who was stationed stateside, is torn between loyal Buddy and tempting Gale Ann. As they commiserate, the men realize that they're outgrowing the lives they lived before the war.

GENRES:  Drama
DIRECTION:  Mark Pellington
CAST:  Jeremy Davies  •  Ben Affleck  •  Amy Locane  •  Rose McGowan

Cast & Characters

Jeremy Davies Williard 'Sonny' Burns
Ben Affleck Tom 'Gunner' Casselman
Amy Locane Buddy Porter
Rose McGowan Gale Ann Thayer
Rachel Weisz Marty Pilcher
John Lordan Elwood Burns
Robert Swan Luke
Jill Clayburgh Alma Burns
Lesley Ann Warren Nina Casselman
Nick Offerman Wilks
Richard Gaeckle Conductor / Ticket Taker
Teri Beitel Beautiful Young Girl

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