My Brother's Keeper (1948)

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War hero turned villain George Martin escapes from the police, but he is handcuffed to a naive young crook Willie Stannard. After using a clever plan to obtain railway tickets, and with the police and the press in hot pursuit, George has to find a way of breaking loose from Willie, and to make his escape.

GENRES:  Crime • Drama • Thriller
DIRECTION:  Alfred Roome
CAST:  Jack Warner  •  Jane Hylton  •  David Tomlinson  •  Bill Owen

Cast & Characters

Jack Warner George Martin
Jane Hylton Nora Lawrence
David Tomlinson Ronnie Waring
Bill Owen Syd Evans
George Cole Willie Stannard
Wilfrid Hyde-White Harding
Yvonne Owen Meg Waring
Raymond Lovell Bill Wainwright
Brenda Bruce Winnie Foreman
Susan Shaw Beryl
Jack Raine Chief Constable
Maurice Denham Trent

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