Main Street to Broadway (1953)

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In New York, a surly, down-on-his-heels playwright meets a country girl who's giving up trying to act and returning home. He goes with her for inspiration when his agent convinces a stage star to take his next effort. When he returns to Broadway, his girl stays behind and starts seeing a local businessman.

GENRES:  Music • Romance
DIRECTION:  Tay Garnett
CAST:  Tallulah Bankhead  •  Tommy Morton  •  Mary Murphy  •  Agnes Moorehead

Cast & Characters

Tallulah Bankhead as Herself
Tommy Morton The Playwright - Tony Monaco
Mary Murphy The Actress - Mary Craig
Agnes Moorehead Mildred Waterbury
Herb Shriner Frank Johnson
Lionel Barrymore Himself
Helen Hayes Herself
Ethel Barrymore Herself
Rosemary DeCamp Mrs. Harry Craig
Clinton Sundberg Mr. Harry Craig
Gertrude Berg Tony's nieghbor at the NY apartment house
Shirley Booth Herself

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