36 Hours (1964)

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Germans kidnap an American major and try to convince him that World War II is over, so that they can get details about the Allied invasion of Europe out of him.

GENRES:  Drama • Thriller • War
DIRECTION:  George Seaton
CAST:  James Garner  •  Eva Marie Saint  •  Rod Taylor  •  Werner Peters

Cast & Characters

James Garner Major Jefferson Pike
Eva Marie Saint Anna Hedler
Rod Taylor Major Walter Gerber
Werner Peters Otto Schack
John Banner Ernst
Celia Lovsky Elsa
Russell Thorson Gen. Allison
Alan Napier Col. Peter MacLean
Oscar Beregi Jr. Lt. Col. Ostermann (as Oscar Beregi)
Ed Gilbert Capt. Abbott
Sig Ruman German Guard
Karl Held Cpl. Kenter

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