A Man for Burning (1962)

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Political activist Salvatore returns to his native Sicily and stirs up trouble among the peasants, urging them to confront the Mafia and demand the right to plough their own fields. The peasants refuse to help him, and Salvatore is marked by the Mafia as a troublemaker.

GENRES:  Drama
DIRECTION:  Paolo Taviani  •  Vittorio Taviani  •  Valentino Orsini
CAST:  Gian Maria Volonté  •  Didi Perego  •  Spiros Focás  •  Turi Ferro

Cast & Characters

Gian Maria Volonté Salvatore
Didi Perego Barbara
Spiros Focás Jachino
Turi Ferro Don Vincenzo
Lidia Alfonsi Francesca (as Lydia Alfonsi)
Marina Malfatti Wilma
Vittorio Duse Bastiano
Alessandro Sperli Carmelo (as Alessandro Sperlì)
Marcella Rovena Madre di Francesca
Giulio Girola Medico
Gianpaolo Serra
Alfonso D'Errico

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