Summer Magic (1963)

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Mother Carey, a Bostonian widow, and her three children move to Maine. Postmaster Osh Popham helps them move into a run-down old house and fixes it up for them. It's not entirely uninhabited, though; the owner, Mr. Hamilton, is a mysterious character away in Europe, but Osh assures them he won't mind their living there, since he won't be coming home for a long time yet. The children and a cousin who comes to live with them have various adventures before an unexpected visitor shows up

GENRES:  Comedy • Family • Music
DIRECTION:  James Neilson
CAST:  Hayley Mills  •  Dorothy McGuire  •  Burl Ives  •  Deborah Walley

Cast & Characters

Hayley Mills Nancy Carey
Dorothy McGuire Mrs. Margaret Carey
Burl Ives Osh Popham
Deborah Walley Julia Carey
Eddie Hodges Gilly Carey
Una Merkel Mariah Popham
James Mathers Peter Carey (as Jimmy Mathers)
Peter Brown Tom Hamilton
Wendy Turner Lallie Joy Popham
James Stacy Charles Bryant
Michael J. Pollard Digby Popham
Norman Leavitt Hank Champlin, the barber

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