Valentino (1977)

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In 1926 the tragic and untimely death of a silent screen actor caused female moviegoers to riot in the streets and in some cases to commit suicide...

GENRES:  Drama • History
DIRECTION:  Ken Russell
CAST:  Rudolf Nureyev  •  Leslie Caron  •  Michelle Phillips  •  Carol Kane

Cast & Characters

Rudolf Nureyev Rudolph Valentino
Leslie Caron Alla Nazimova
Michelle Phillips Natasha Rambova
Carol Kane Starlet
Felicity Kendal June Mathis
William Hootkins Fatty
Seymour Cassel George Ullman
Peter Vaughan Rory O'Neil
Huntz Hall Jesse Lasky
David de Keyser Joseph Schenck
Alfred Marks Richard Rowland
Anton Diffring Baron Long

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