Boris and Natasha (1992)

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The classic cartoon spies, Boris and Natasha, get their very own live-action adventure. Sent to America to find an important microchip, the usually villainous duo begin to question who they're working for and why.

GENRES:  Action • Adventure • Comedy
DIRECTION:  Charles Martin Smith
CAST:  John Travolta  •  John Candy  •  Sally Kellerman  •  John Calvin

Cast & Characters

John Travolta John Travolta
John Candy Kalishak
Sally Kellerman Natasha Fatale
John Calvin Harve
Dave Thomas Boris Badunov
Andrea Martin Toots
Larry Cedar Mr. X / Willie
Paxton Whitehead Anton / Kreeger Paulovitch
Christopher Neame Fearless Leader
Alex Rocco Sheldon Kaufman
Sid Haig Colonel Gorda
Anthony Newley Sal Manelli

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