After total humiliation at her thirteenth birthday party, Jenna Rink wants to just hide until she's thirty. With a little magic, her wish is granted, but it turns out that being thirty isn't as always as awesome as she thought it would be!

GENRES:  Comedy • Fantasy • Romance
DIRECTION:  Gary Winick
CAST:  Jennifer Garner  •  Mark Ruffalo  •  Judy Greer  •  Andy Serkis

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Cast & Characters

Jennifer Garner Jenna Rink
Mark Ruffalo Matt Flamhaff
Judy Greer Lucy Wyman
Andy Serkis Richard Kneeland
Christa B. Allen Young Jenna
Sean Marquette Young Matt
Ashley Benson Six Chick
Susan Egan Tracy Hansen
Lynn Collins Wendy
Renee Olstead Becky
Alexandra Kyle Young Tom-Tom
Alex Black Young Chris Grandy

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