Shallow Hal (2001)

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After taking his dying father's advice, Hal dates only the embodiments of female physical perfection. But that all changes after Hal has an unexpected run-in with self-help guru Tony Robbins. Intrigued by Hal's shallowness, Robbins hypnotizes him into seeing the beauty that exists even in the least physically appealing women. Hal soon falls for Rosemary, but he doesn't realize that his gorgeous girlfriend is actually a 300-pound-not-so-hottie.

GENRES:  Comedy • Romance
DIRECTION:  Bobby Farrelly  •  Peter Farrelly
CAST:  Gwyneth Paltrow  •  Jack Black  •  Jason Alexander  •  Joe Viterelli

Cast & Characters

Gwyneth Paltrow Rosemary Shanahan
Jack Black Hal Larson
Jason Alexander Mauricio Wilson
Joe Viterelli Steve Shanahan
Bruce McGill Reverend Larson
Rene Kirby Walt
Tony Robbins Tony Robbins
Susan Ward Jill
Zen Gesner Ralph
Brooke Burns Katrina
Rob Moran Second Tiffany
Kyle Gass Artie

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