Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood (2002)

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A mother and daughter dispute is resolved by the "Yaya sisterhood" - long time friends of the mother.

GENRES:  Comedy • Drama
DIRECTION:  Callie Khouri

Cast & Characters

Sandra Bullock Siddalee 'Sidda' Walker
Ellen Burstyn Viviane Joan 'Vivi' Abbott Walker
Fionnula Flanagan 'Teensy' Melissa Whitman
James Garner Shepard James 'Shep' Walker
Cherry Jones Grandma 'Buggy' Abbott
Ashley Judd Younger Vivi Abbott Walker
Maggie Smith Caro Eliza Bennett
Shirley Knight Necie Rose Kelleher
Angus Macfadyen Connor McGill
Jacqueline McKenzie Younger Teensy Whitman
Kiersten Warren Younger Necie Kelleher
David Lee Smith Younger Shep Walker

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