The King of Ads (1991)

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A collection of European T.V. commercials directed by a variety of well-known directors from across Europe and the U.S. Compiled and produced by Jean-Marie Boursicot.

GENRES:  Documentary
DIRECTION:  Martin Scorsese  •  David Lynch  •  Ridley Scott  •  Sergio Leone  •  Roman Polanski  •  Andrei Konchalovsky  •  Federico Fellini  •  Jean-Luc Godard  •  Dick Lundy  •  Carlos Saura  •  Patrice Leconte  •  Gérard Jugnot  •  Franco Zeffirelli  •  Giuseppe Tornatore  •  Claude Chabrol  •  Dario Argento  •  Jean-Jacques Annaud  •  Claude Lelouch  •  Tony Scott  •  Michel Israël  •  Paul J. Smith  •  Étienne Chatiliez  •  Walter Lantz  •  Gérard Pirès  •  Bob Giraldi  •  Hugh Hudson  •  David Bailey  •  Joe Pytka  •  Maurizio Nichetti  •  Bruce Weber  •  Jean-Pierre Mocky  •  Just Jaeckin  •  Don Patterson  •  Jean-Baptiste Mondino  •  Helmut Newton  •  Jean-Paul Goude  •  Jean-Marie Boursicot  •  Alain Franchet  •  Robert Delpire  •  Ricardo Albiñana  •  Atsuta  •  Julian Cottrell  •  Eric De La Hosseray  •  Jaime De La Pena  •  Theo Delaney  •  Martin Lobo  •  Håkan Sjödin  •  Richard Slogett  •  J. Taylor

Cast & Characters

Grace Jones Herself
Vanessa Paradis L'oiseau Paradis
Emmanuelle Seigner Herself

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