Breezy (1973)

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A free-spirited young woman, Breezy, hitches a ride with an aging real estate salesman, Frank. Sensing that she just wants to use him he tries to have nothing to do with her. She's not that easy to shake, however, and over time a bond forms between them.

GENRES:  Drama • Romance
DIRECTION:  Clint Eastwood
CAST:  William Holden  •  Kay Lenz  •  Roger C. Carmel  •  Marj Dusay

Cast & Characters

William Holden Frank Harmon
Kay Lenz Edith Alice Breezerman ('Breezy')
Roger C. Carmel Bob Henderson
Marj Dusay Betty Tobin
Joan Hotchkis Paula Harmon
Jamie Smith-Jackson Marcy
Norman Bartold Man in car
Lynn Borden Harmon's Overnight Date
Shelley Morrison Nancy Henderson
Scott Holden Veterinarian
Eugene Peterson Charlie
Clint Eastwood Man at Marina (uncredited)

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