War-Gods of the Deep (1965)

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A chance discovery leads American mining engineer Ben Harris and acquaintance Harold to discover a lost city under the sea while searching for their kidnapped friend Jill. Held captive in the underwater city by the tyrannical Captain (Vincent Price), and his crew of former smugglers, the three plot to escape...

GENRES:  Adventure • Fantasy • Horror • Science Fiction
DIRECTION:  Jacques Tourneur
CAST:  Vincent Price  •  David Tomlinson  •  Tab Hunter  •  Susan Hart

Cast & Characters

Vincent Price Sir Hugh
David Tomlinson Harold Tufnell-Jones
Tab Hunter Ben Harris
Susan Hart Jill Tregillis
John Le Mesurier Rev. Jonathan Ives
Henry Oscar Mumford
Derek Newark Dan
Roy Patrick Simon
Dennis Blake Harry
Steven Brooke Ted
Jim Spearman Jack
Tony Selby George

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