The Chalk Garden (1964)

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A grandmother seeks a governess for her 16 year old granddaughter, Laurel, who manages to drive away each and every one so far by exposing their past, with a record of three in one week! When an applicant with a mysterious past manages to get the job, Laurel vows to expose her. Meanwhile, Laurel's married-divorced-married mother tries to get her back.

GENRES:  Drama • Mystery
DIRECTION:  Ronald Neame
CAST:  Deborah Kerr  •  Hayley Mills  •  John Mills  •  Edith Evans

Cast & Characters

Deborah Kerr Miss Madrigal
Hayley Mills Laurel
John Mills Maitland
Edith Evans Mrs. St. Maugham
Felix Aylmer Judge McWhirrey
Elizabeth Sellars Olivia
Lally Bowers Anna
Toke Townley Shop Clerk
Tonie MacMillan Mrs. Williams

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