David, a robotic boy—the first of his kind programmed to love—is adopted as a test case by a Cybertronics employee and his wife. Though he gradually becomes their child, a series of unexpected circumstances make this life impossible for David.

GENRES:  Adventure • Drama • Science Fiction
DIRECTION:  Steven Spielberg
CAST:  Haley Joel Osment  •  Frances O'Connor  •  Sam Robards  •  Jake Thomas

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Cast & Characters

Haley Joel Osment David
Frances O'Connor Monica Swinton
Sam Robards Henry Swinton
Jake Thomas Martin Swinton
Jude Law Gigolo Joe
William Hurt Prof. Hobby
Robin Williams Dr. Know (voice)
Ben Kingsley Specialist (voice)
Meryl Streep Blue Mecha (voice)
Chris Rock Comedian (voice)
Ken Leung Syatyoo-Sama
Clark Gregg Supernerd

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