That Darn Cat! (1965)

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A young woman suspects foul play when her cat comes home wearing a wristwatch. Convincing the FBI, though, and catching the bad guys is tougher than she imagined.

GENRES:  Comedy • Crime • Drama • Family • Mystery
DIRECTION:  Robert Stevenson
CAST:  Hayley Mills  •  Dean Jones  •  Dorothy Provine  •  Roddy McDowall

Cast & Characters

Hayley Mills Patti Randall
Dean Jones Zeke Kelso
Dorothy Provine Ingrid Randall
Roddy McDowall Gregory Benson
Frank Gorshin Iggy
Neville Brand Dan
Elsa Lanchester Mrs. MacDougall
William Demarest Mr. MacDougall
Richard Eastham Supervisor Newton
Grayson Hall Margaret Miller
Tom Lowell Canoe
Richard Deacon Drive-in-Manager

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