Woman of the Year (1942)

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Rival reporters Sam and Tess fall in love and get married, only to find their relationship strained when Sam comes to resent Tess' hectic lifestyle.

GENRES:  Comedy • Drama • Romance
DIRECTION:  George Stevens
CAST:  Spencer Tracy  •  Katharine Hepburn  •  Fay Bainter  •  Reginald Owen

Cast & Characters

Spencer Tracy Sam Craig
Katharine Hepburn Tess Harding
Fay Bainter Ellen Whitcomb
Reginald Owen Clayton
Minor Watson William J. Harding
William Bendix 'Pinkie' Peters
Gladys Blake Flo Peters
Dan Tobin Gerald Howe
Roscoe Karns Phil Whittaker
William Tannen Ellis
Ludwig Stössel Dr. Lubbeck (as Ludwig Stossel)
Sara Haden Matron

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