Streets of Fire (1984)

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Raven Shaddock and his gang of merciless biker friends kidnap rock singer Ellen Aim. Ellen's former lover, soldier-for-hire Tom Cody, happens to be passing through town on a visit. In an attempt to save his star act, Ellen's manager hires Tom to rescue her. Along with a former soldier, they battle through dangerous cityscapes, determined to get Ellen back.

GENRES:  Action
DIRECTION:  Walter Hill
CAST:  Michael Paré  •  Diane Lane  •  Rick Moranis  •  Amy Madigan

Cast & Characters

Michael Paré Tom Cody
Diane Lane Ellen Aim
Rick Moranis Billy Fish
Amy Madigan McCoy
Willem Dafoe Raven Shaddock
Bill Paxton Clyde the Bartender
Deborah Van Valkenburgh Reva Cody
Kathy Griffin Concertgoer
Richard Lawson Officer Ed Price
Rick Rossovich Officer Cooley
Lee Ving Greer
Stoney Jackson Bird - The Sorels

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