Treasure Island (1934)

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In this early film adaptation of the classic novel by Robert Louis Stevenson, young Jim Hawkins is caught up with the pirate Long John Silver in search of buccaneer Captain Flint's buried treasure.

GENRES:  Action • Adventure • Family
DIRECTION:  Victor Fleming
CAST:  Wallace Beery  •  Jackie Cooper  •  Lionel Barrymore  •  Otto Kruger

Cast & Characters

Wallace Beery Long John Silver
Jackie Cooper Jim Hawkins
Lionel Barrymore Billy Bones
Otto Kruger Doctor Livesey
Lewis Stone Captain Smollett
Nigel Bruce Squire Trelawney
Charles 'Chic' Sale Ben Gunn
William V. Mong Pew
Charles McNaughton Black Dog
Dorothy Peterson Mrs. Hawkins
Douglass Dumbrille Pirate of the Spanish Main
Edmund Breese Pirate of the Spanish Main

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