The Troma System (1993)

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A 30 minute infomercial that originally aired on Comedy Central in 1993. The idea was that by purchasing Troma Inc. movie products you could better yourself as a person.

GENRES:  Comedy
DIRECTION:  Lloyd Kaufman  •  Michael Herz  •  Jeffrey W. Sass
CAST:  Michael Opelka  •  Lloyd Kaufman  •  Michael Herz  •  Joe Franklin

Cast & Characters

Michael Opelka Host
Lloyd Kaufman Himself
Michael Herz Himself
Joe Franklin Joe Franklin
Debbie Rochon Edna Perlmutter
Ron Fazio Gorgeous Guy / Toxic Avenger
Theresa Lynn Gorgeous Gal / Tromette
Phil Rivo Tromatized Host
J.J. North Tromette
Joan Gerardi Tromette
Traci Mann Tromette
Samuel Z. Arkoff Himself

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