This Gun for Hire (1942)

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Sadistic killer-for-hire Philip Raven becomes enraged when his latest job is paid off in marked bills. Vowing to track down his double-crossing boss, nightclub executive Gates, Raven sits beside Gates' lovely new employee, Ellen, on a train out of town. Although Ellen is engaged to marry the police lieutenant who's hunting down Raven, she decides to try and set the misguided hit man straight as he hides from the cops and plots his revenge.

GENRES:  Crime • Drama • Mystery • Thriller
DIRECTION:  Frank Tuttle
CAST:  Veronica Lake  •  Robert Preston  •  Laird Cregar  •  Alan Ladd

Cast & Characters

Veronica Lake Ellen Graham
Robert Preston Det. Michael Crane
Laird Cregar Willard Gates
Alan Ladd Philip Raven
Tully Marshall Alvin Brewster
Marc Lawrence Tommy
Olin Howland Blair Fletcher (as Olin Howlin)
Roger Imhof Senator Burnett
Pamela Blake Annie
Frank Ferguson Albert Baker
Victor Kilian Drew
Patricia Farr Ruby

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