Magnum Force (1973)

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"Dirty" Harry Callahan is a San Francisco Police Inspector on the trail of a group of rogue cops who have taken justice into their own hands. When shady characters are murdered one after another in grisly fashion, only Dirty Harry can stop them.

GENRES:  Action • Crime • Drama
CAST:  Clint Eastwood  •  Hal Holbrook  •  Mitchell Ryan  •  David Soul

Cast & Characters

Clint Eastwood Insp. Harry Callahan
Hal Holbrook Lieutenant Briggs
Mitchell Ryan Ofc. Charlie McCoy
David Soul Ofc. John Davis
Tim Matheson Ofc. Phil Sweet
Robert Urich Ofc. Mike Grimes
Kip Niven Ofc. Red Astrachan
Margaret Avery Prostitute
Felton Perry Early Smith
Tony Giorgio Frank Palancio
Christine White Carol McCoy
Adele Yoshioka Sunny

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