Daddy Long Legs (1955)

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Wealthy American, Jervis Pendleton has a chance encounter at a French orphanage with a cheerful 18-year-old resident, and anonymously pays for her education at a New England college. She writes letters to her mysterious benefactor regularly, but he never writes back. Several years later, he visits her at school, while still concealing his identity, and—despite their large age difference—they soon fall in love.

GENRES:  Drama • Music • Romance
DIRECTION:  Jean Negulesco
CAST:  Fred Astaire  •  Leslie Caron  •  Terry Moore  •  Thelma Ritter

Cast & Characters

Fred Astaire Jervis Pendleton III
Leslie Caron Julie Andre
Terry Moore Linda Pendleton
Thelma Ritter Alicia Pritchard
Fred Clark Griggs
Charlotte Austin Sally McBride
Larry Keating Ambassador Alexander Williamson
Gertrude Astor Art Gallery Patron (uncredited)
Barrie Chase Blonde dancer (in "International Playboy") (uncredited)
James Cromwell Extra (uncredited)
Lisa Montell College Girl (uncredited)
Leslie Parrish College Girl (uncredited)

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