Shanghai Surprise (1986)

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Glendon Wasey is a fortune hunter looking for a fast track out of China. Gloria Tatlock is a missionary nurse seeking the curing powers of opium for her patients. Fate sets them on a hectic, exotic, and even romantic quest for stolen drugs. But they are up against every thug and smuggler in Shangai.

GENRES:  Adventure • Comedy • Crime • Drama • Romance
DIRECTION:  Jim Goddard
CAST:  Madonna  •  Sean Penn  •  Paul Freeman  •  Richard Griffiths

Cast & Characters

Madonna Gloria Tatlock
Sean Penn Glendon Wasey
Paul Freeman Walter Faraday
Richard Griffiths Willie Tuttle
Clyde Kusatsu Joe Go
Philip Sayer Justin Kronk
Lim Kay Tong Mei Gan
Sonserai Lee China Doll
Victor Wong Ho Chong
Michael Aldridge Mr. Burns
Professor Toru Tanaka Yamagani San
Sarah Lam China Doll's Maid

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