The House That Shadows Built (1931)

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The House That Shadows Built (1931) is a short feature, roughly 48 minutes long, from Paramount Pictures made to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the studio's founding in 1912. It was a promotional film for exhibitors and never had a regular theatrical release and includes a brief history of Paramount, interviews with various actors, and clips from upcoming projects (some of which never came to fruition). The title comes from a biography of Paramount founder Adolph Zukor, The House That Shadows Built (1928), by William Henry Irwin.

GENRES:  Documentary
CAST:  Groucho Marx  •  Harpo Marx  •  Chico Marx  •  Zeppo Marx

Cast & Characters

Groucho Marx Caesar's Ghost
Harpo Marx The Merchant of Wieners
Chico Marx Tomalio
Zeppo Marx Sammy Brown
Ben Taggart Mr. Lee, Theatrical Agent
Charles Ray (archive footage)
Sarah Bernhardt (archive footage)
Lon Chaney (archive footage)
Miriam Hopkins (archive footage)
Sylvia Sidney (archive footage)
Gloria Swanson (archive footage)
Clara Bow (archive footage)

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