Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1941)

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Dr. Jekyll believes good and evil exist in everyone and creates a potion that allows his evil side, Mr. Hyde, to come to the fore. He faces horrible consequences when he lets his dark side run amok.

GENRES:  Drama • Horror • Science Fiction
DIRECTION:  Victor Fleming
CAST:  Spencer Tracy  •  Ingrid Bergman  •  Lana Turner  •  Donald Crisp

Cast & Characters

Spencer Tracy Dr. Jeckyll / Mr. Hyde
Ingrid Bergman Ivy Peterson
Lana Turner Beatrix Emery
Donald Crisp Sir Emery
Ian Hunter Dr. Lanyon
C. Aubrey Smith Bishop Manners
Peter Godfrey Poole der Butler
Sara Allgood Mrs. Higgins
Frederick Worlock Dr. Heath
William Tannen Fenwyck
Barton MacLane Sam Higgins
Frances Robinson Marcia

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