In early-1970s Las Vegas, Sam "Ace" Rothstein gets tapped by his bosses to head the Tangiers Casino. At first, he's a great success in the job, but over the years, problems with his loose-cannon enforcer Nicky Santoro, his ex-hustler wife Ginger, her con-artist ex Lester Diamond and a handful of corrupt politicians put Sam in ever-increasing danger.

GENRES:  Crime • Drama
DIRECTION:  Martin Scorsese
CAST:  Robert De Niro  •  Sharon Stone  •  Joe Pesci  •  James Woods

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Cast & Characters

Robert De Niro Sam 'Ace' Rothstein
Sharon Stone Ginger McKenna
Joe Pesci Nicky Santoro
James Woods Lester Diamond
Frank Vincent Frank Marino
Pasquale Cajano Remo Gaggi
Kevin Pollak Phillip Green
Don Rickles Billy Sherbert
Vinny Vella Artie Piscano
L.Q. Jones Pat Webb
Alan King Andy Stone
Dick Smothers Sénateur

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