1941 (1979)

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In the days after the attack on Pearl Harbor, panic grips California, where a military officer leads a mob chasing a Japanese sub.

GENRES:  Action • Comedy • War
DIRECTION:  Steven Spielberg
CAST:  Dan Aykroyd  •  Ned Beatty  •  John Belushi  •  Lorraine Gary

Cast & Characters

Dan Aykroyd Sgt. Frank Tree
Ned Beatty Ward Douglas
John Belushi Capt. Wild Bill Kelso
Lorraine Gary Joan Douglas
Murray Hamilton Claude Crumn
Christopher Lee Capt. Wolfgang von Kleinschmidt
Tim Matheson Capt. Loomis Birkhead
Robert Stack Maj. Gen. Joseph W. Stilwell
Treat Williams Cpl. Chuck 'Stretch' Sitarski
John Candy Pvt. Foley
Toshirō Mifune Cmdr. Akiro Mitamura
Warren Oates Col. 'Madman' Maddox

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