Forever Mine (1999)

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A hotel cabana boy falls for the wife of a powerful politico. But when she confesses to the affair, her husband determines to end it forever.

GENRES:  Crime • Drama • Romance • Thriller
DIRECTION:  Paul Schrader
CAST:  Joseph Fiennes  •  Ray Liotta  •  Gretchen Mol  •  Vincent Laresca

Cast & Characters

Joseph Fiennes Manuel Esquema
Ray Liotta Mark Brice
Gretchen Mol Ella Brice
Vincent Laresca Javier Cesti
Myk Watford Rick Martino
Lindsey Connell Stewardess
Reagan Pasternak Miami Tan Attendant
Sean Cw Johnson Randy (as Sean C W Johnson)
Shawn Proctor Cabana Boy
Russell Blackwell Business Associate
Jocelyn Snowdon Young Associate's Companion
Kevi Katsuras Julie, Six Year-old Girl

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