Miranda (1948)

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A young married physician discovers a mermaid, and gives into her request to be taken to see London. Comedy and romantic entanglements ensue soon after.

GENRES:  Comedy • Fantasy • Romance
DIRECTION:  Ken Annakin
CAST:  Glynis Johns  •  Googie Withers  •  Griffith Jones  •  John McCallum

Cast & Characters

Glynis Johns Miranda Trewella
Googie Withers Clare Martin
Griffith Jones Dr. Paul Martin
John McCallum Nigel
Margaret Rutherford Nurse Carey
David Tomlinson Charles
Yvonne Owen Betty
Sonia Holm Isobel
Brian Oulton Manell
Zena Marshall Secretary
Lyn Evans Inn Landlord
Joan Ingram Primadonna

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