San Francisco Bay, January 18, 1960. Frank Lee Morris is transferred to Alcatraz, a maximum security prison located on a rocky island. Although no one has ever managed to escape from there, Frank and other inmates begin to carefully prepare an escape plan.

GENRES:  Drama • Thriller
DIRECTION:  Don Siegel
CAST:  Clint Eastwood  •  Patrick McGoohan  •  Fred Ward  •  David Cryer

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Cast & Characters

Clint Eastwood Frank Morris
Patrick McGoohan Warden
Fred Ward John Anglin
David Cryer Wagner
Blair Burrows Fight Guard
Roberts Blossom Doc
Bob Balhatchet Medical Technical Assistant
Bruce M. Fischer Wolf
Matthew Locricchio Exam Guard
Ray K. Goman Cellblock Captain
Jason Ronard Bobs
Ron Vernan Stone

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