8 Seconds (1994)

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This film chronicles the life of Lane Frost, 1987 PRCA Bull Riding World Champion, his marriage and his friendships with Tuff Hedeman (three-time World Champion) and Cody Lambert.

GENRES:  Drama • Romance • Western
DIRECTION:  John G. Avildsen
CAST:  Luke Perry  •  Stephen Baldwin  •  Cynthia Geary  •  James Rebhorn

Cast & Characters

Luke Perry Lane Frost
Stephen Baldwin Tuff Hedeman
Cynthia Geary Kellie Frost
James Rebhorn Clyde Frost
Carrie Snodgress Elsie Frost
Linden Ashby Martin Hudson
Renée Zellweger Buckle Bunny
Lori Heuring Bridesmaid
Red Mitchell Cody Lambert
Ronnie Claire Edwards Carolyn Kyle
John Swasey Drunk Cowboy
Jonathan Joss Medic Del Rio

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