Only the Lonely (1991)

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Danny Muldoon, a Chicago policeman, still lives with his overbearing mother Rose. He meets and falls in love with Theresa Luna , whose father owns the local funeral parlour. Naturally, his mother objects to the relationship, and Danny and Theresa must either overcome her objections or give up the romance.

GENRES:  Comedy • Romance
DIRECTION:  Chris Columbus
CAST:  John Candy  •  Maureen O'Hara  •  Ally Sheedy  •  Anthony Quinn

Cast & Characters

John Candy Danny Muldoon
Maureen O'Hara Rose Muldoon
Ally Sheedy Theresa Luna
Anthony Quinn Nick Acropolis
Kevin Dunn Patrick Muldoon
Jim Belushi Sal Buonarte
Milo O’Shea Doyle
Bert Remsen Spats
Joe Greco Johnny Luna
Marvin J. McIntyre Father Strapovic
Macaulay Culkin Billy Maldoon
Kieran Culkin Patrick Muldoon Jr.

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