The Roadhouse Murder (1932)

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After he stumbles across a murder, a young reporter devises an elaborate scene to keep his newspaper stories about the crime front-page news. Eric Linden, Dorothy Jordan, Bruce Cabot, Roscoe Ates, Roscoe Karns and Purnell Pratt star in this 1932 thriller, directed by J. Walter Ruben.

GENRES:  Thriller
DIRECTION:  J. Walter Ruben
CAST:  Dorothy Jordan  •  Eric Linden  •  Roscoe Ates  •  Purnell Pratt

Cast & Characters

Dorothy Jordan Mary Agnew
Eric Linden Chick Brian
Roscoe Ates Edmund Joyce
Purnell Pratt Inspector William Agnew
David Landau Kraft
Bruce Cabot Dykes
Phyllis Clare Louise Rand
Gustav von Seyffertitz Porter
Roscoe Karns Dale
William Morris Judge
Frank Sheridan District Attorney
Carl Gerard District Attorney

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