Easter Parade (1948)

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On the day before Easter in 1911, Don Hewes is crushed when his dancing partner (and object of affection) Nadine Hale refuses to start a new contract with him. To prove Nadine's not important to him, Don acquires innocent new protege Hannah Brown, vowing to make her a star in time for next year's Easter parade.

GENRES:  Music • Romance
DIRECTION:  Charles Walters
CAST:  Judy Garland  •  Fred Astaire  •  Peter Lawford  •  Ann Miller

Cast & Characters

Judy Garland Hannah Brown
Fred Astaire Don Hewes
Peter Lawford Jonathan Harrow III
Ann Miller Nadine Hale
Jules Munshin Headwaiter François
Clinton Sundberg Mike the Bartender
Richard Beavers Singer ("The Girl on the Magazine Cover")
Lola Albright Hat Model / Showgirl (uncredited)
Shirley Ballard Showgirl (uncredited)
Edward Biby Audience Member (uncredited)
June Gale Minor Role (uncredited)
Joi Lansing Hat Model / Showgirl (uncredited)

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