NYPD cop John McClane's plan to reconcile with his estranged wife is thrown for a serious loop when, minutes after he arrives at her office, the entire building is overtaken by a group of terrorists. With little help from the LAPD, wisecracking McClane sets out to single-handedly rescue the hostages and bring the bad guys down.

GENRES:  Action • Thriller
DIRECTION:  John McTiernan

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Cast & Characters

Bruce Willis John McClane
Alan Rickman Hans Gruber
Reginald VelJohnson Sgt. Al Powell
Bonnie Bedelia Holly Gennero McClane
Alexander Godunov Karl
Paul Gleason Deputy Police Chief Dwayne T. Robinson
William Atherton Richard Thornburg
De'voreaux White Argyle
Hart Bochner Harry Ellis
Dennis Hayden Eddie
Bruno Doyon Franco
James Shigeta Joseph Yoshinobu Takagi

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