Love Letters (1983)

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After discovering a box of old love letters sent to her mother by a mysterious stranger, Anna, a young radio deejay, begins a torrid affair with a married man. Burning attraction brings them together, but the reality does not come close to the passion expressed in the letters.

GENRES:  Drama • Romance
DIRECTION:  Amy Holden Jones
CAST:  Jamie Lee Curtis  •  Bonnie Bartlett  •  Matt Clark  •  James Keach

Cast & Characters

Jamie Lee Curtis Anna Winter
Bonnie Bartlett Maggie Winter
Matt Clark Chuck Winter
James Keach Oliver Andrews
Amy Madigan Wendy
Bud Cort Danny
Brian Wood Frank
Philip Coccioletti Ralph Glass
Larry Cedar Jake
Michael Villella Oliver's client
Jeff Doucette Hippie #1
Sally Kirkland Hippie #2

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