To Be or Not to Be (1983)

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A bad Polish actor is just trying to make a living when Poland is invaded by the Germans in World War II. His wife has the habit of entertaining young Polish officers while he's on stage, which is also a source of depression to him. When one of her officers comes back on a Secret Mission, the actor takes charge and comes up with a plan for them to escape.

GENRES:  Comedy
DIRECTION:  Alan Johnson
CAST:  Mel Brooks  •  Anne Bancroft  •  Tim Matheson  •  Charles Durning

Cast & Characters

Mel Brooks Dr. Frederick Bronski
Anne Bancroft Anna Bronski
Tim Matheson Lt. Andre Sobinski
Charles Durning Col. Erhardt
Christopher Lloyd Capt. Schultz
José Ferrer Prof. Siletski
Henry Brandon Nazi Officer
Ronny Graham Sondheim
Zale Kessler Bieler
Jack Riley Dobish
Lewis J. Stadlen Lupinsky
George Gaynes Ravitch

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