Jordan Turner is an experienced 911 operator but when she makes an error in judgment and a call ends badly, Jordan is rattled and unsure if she can continue. But when teenager Casey Welson is abducted in the back of a man's car and calls 911, Jordan is the one called upon to use all of her experience, insights and quick thinking to help Casey escape, and not just to save her, but to make sure the man is brought to justice.

GENRES:  Crime • Thriller
DIRECTION:  Brad Anderson

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Cast & Characters

Halle Berry Jordan Turner
Abigail Breslin Casey Welson
Morris Chestnut Officer Phillips
Michael Imperioli Alan Denado
Ella Rae Peck Autumn
David Otunga Officer Jake Devans
Roma Maffia Maddy
Steven Williams Terrance
Michael Eklund Michael Foster
Justina Machado Michael Foster's Wife
José Zúñiga Marco
Evie Thompson Leah Templeton

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